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阳五行:子寅辰午申戌. 阴五行:丑卯巳未酉亥. 按宇宙阴阳五行划分. 1、寅卯巳午为阳、申酉亥子为阴、 辰丑为阴、戌未为阳。(木火为阳,金水为阴,土为中性)。 2、辰戌丑未四土为中性:命局中火多土转阳,金水多土转阴。戌未为干土,辰丑为湿土 ...
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這段時間,本人秉著原來所發願的心,希望將我所學的易經風水妙法,傳在社會上,凡是有緣者,希望將這個妙法,傳給有緣的十方善知識,家家戶戶可以平安順利,事業順利。 自古以來。
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano located on the Japanese island of Honshu, with a summit elevation of 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft 3 in). It is the tallest mountain in Japan, the second-highest volcano located on an island in Asia (after Mount Kerinci on the Indonesian island of Sumatra), and seventh-highest peak of an island on Earth. Mount Fuji last erupted from 1707 to 1708. The mountain is lo…
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